Oh, spring.
I'm still in a flurry of pulling weeds, and I'm way behind on yard stuff. My garden is getting to be a big slug buffet. The rainy season isn't quite over, and the sunny season is getting started. We still have mushrooms everywhere -- not the kind that are safe to eat, though. Not mostly. We're on a wooded lot, so there are fairy rings everywhere, too. They magically appear, and we try to find them before the puppies do. But the rings are pretty cool...
I love spring. Maybe I feel happy because the UV index is different than zero.
I probably feel good these days because spring gets me outside and away from screens. I am sucked into a screen all winter, and it makes me feel stale. Do you ever get screen-numb? That stunned feeling from sitting on your butt and working in front of a screen for far too long than is decent? For me, it feels like something sucked out 20% of my brain cells and I just can't get the rest of them to rub together like they should. And epoxy is injected into my neck and shoulders. And yet, I still can't turn my head away...
Screen breaks are good. Thanks for spring. What do you do when there is no screen to be found?